
Each issue of the CLJ is themed to coordinate with our Conscious 360 way of living. Moving from Conscious Mind, Body, Spirit, Integration and Balance our readers enjoy the CLJ as their bridge to an authentic life.

Multidimensional Travel

Multidimensional Travel: A Gateway into Expanded Consciousness

Although we have forgotten our true selves, the ability to travel inter-dimensionally lies coded within our DNA. By embracing our power, we can experience the full truth of our existence.

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Healing Through the Subtle Energy Field - Tammy Billups

Healing Through the Subtle Energy Field

Our body produces its own Vital energy, which connects us with other people. nature, and the highest spiritual source. By allowing this energy to flow smoothly, we can unlock the ultimate preventative medicine.

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Michael Mirdad - Spiritual Mastery vs. Complacency

Spiritual Mastery vs. Complacency

The secret to getting out of a state of complacency or lack is to remember that we must feed our souls just as we feed our bodies. This “soul food” primarily consists of following the spiritual path of our True Self.

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From Little Lies to Higher Truth

From Little Lies to Higher Truth

Too often we look for something external to give us true happiness; instead, we should focus on the profound self journey of addressing inner connection and outer expression.

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What is Forgiveness by Michael Mirdad

What is Forgiveness?

World-renowned spiritual leader Michael Mirdad reminds us that forgiveness does not have to honor the trauma a person has inflicted on us – but the divinity within that person’s true, forgotten self.

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The Precessional Effect

The Precessional Effect

Though sometimes we may not feel it, our lives are continually moving forward and creating an effect on the world around us. We are important and we make a difference.

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How Emotions Manifest in the Body

How Emotions Manifest in Your Body

Most physical ailments take form in our body due to unreleased emotion. Here are some healthy tips for discharging pent up emotions in order to come back into balance.

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DNA and Telomeres – The Keys to Reverse Aging

One of the greatest scientific discoveries of today involves the enzyme telomerase in our DNA—and how it may provide the answer to increased life expectancy.

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Special Series: Sound – Tapping Into Sound Science

Gain a fascinating new perspective on sound as it relates to the light spectrum and how it affects the human body.

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Special Series: Sound – Psychoacoustics, Subtle Energy, and Healing Music

Accomplished recording artist Steven Halpern explains how both the notes and the intention behind music can affect every cell of our bodies.

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Special Series: Sound – Tune Your Brain with Music

Music has a profound effect on our emotions, mood, psychology, creativity, and overall health. Here are just some of the ways music plays an integral role in our daily lives.

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Special Series: Sound – Sacred Sound

Our journey to connect with the Divine Self originates far back into the beginning of our history—and sacred sound has always been a key element of that journey.

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