Conscious Life Journal: Your gift of intuition is so important for so many people. Tell us about how that makes life easier.
Laura Day: My gift is actually the gift of showing people that they all have the gift that they think I have. We’re taught to give away our power. But everybody is intuitive and one of the things that I do that is most powerful for people is get them to close down parts of their intuition so they stop having arguments with people they shouldn’t be talking to telepathically, or so they fully inhabit their own body and don’t have a lot of other people in there with them. People don’t target their intuition toward the things that make life easier—being fully in yourself and intuitive about the moment so that in the moment you can respond correctly for your goals.
Setting goals is a very important part of it, as is really allowing intuition to preview for you in an empowering way what is coming up so that you can make choices about it. One of the things I hate about predictions is that people get a reading and they are so quick to say, “I’m powerless. This is what’s going to happen.” You have options. You can change everything in this moment, now. And that’s what precognition is wonderful for; it’s how to live today in a way that tomorrow is what you want it to be, and you enjoy today.
Even with something difficult, if you feel empowered to deal with it effectively, it becomes a challenge instead of a burden. We all think we should be doing everything so much better but if we were less abusive to ourselves and our psyches we would do better anyway. One of the things I’m really focusing on is how do I enjoy this moment while making the next moment good. But let me not throw away this moment. What happens is you keep throwing away the moments, planning for something or worrying about something, and you get to the end and all you have are discarded moments. And every moment is so precious, even the moments that are difficult, because you find things in yourself that are astounding.
CLJ: What about the people who say, “I can’t trust what I think I’m seeing in the future.” How do you work them through that?
LD: I do what I call evidence-based intuition, so trust has no place in that. You learn a methodology to be able to clear some of the brush away so you can see more clearly, and then you keep track of your predictions both near and far. What you are training yourself to do is make accurate predictions, to notice where your inaccuracies happen, and to be able to use intuition along with judgment and intellect to weed through what’s appropriate and what’s not.
If you have had an intuition since childhood that you’re going to die drowning, I guarantee you’re not going to die drowning, because that is not how intuition works. Intuition is immediate and actionable, and unless you’re really unwell, it doesn’t tell you things you can’t do something about. But it’s really important to keep track of your intuition. Even I can be off, so I keep track, and if I’m totally off in the near term I know I was having a bad moment and I discount the far. There’s a methodology to it. Intuition’s not magic. The glory of intuition is that everybody has it, everyone can use it, but just like you trained your intellect in school for at least eighteen years and you trained your emotions starting the day you were born, intuition takes some discipline and training. But it’s so worth it because it makes the rest of your life easier.
CLJ: Everyone has the ability to play music or sing but some people are more gifted and have that ability in a stronger and more present way. Do you believe that applies to intuition?
LD: Well, you clearly haven’t heard me sing. Really good people, like myself, who are exceptional intuitives are defective human beings. They’re not good at the everyday things like communicating, being present, and being consistent. People like me paid an early price for being able to have brains that can do what I do. And not a price I would encourage people to pay. I’ve worked very hard on being a functional, good human being. The blessing for me was that very early in my life a group of researchers wanted me as a test subject, so they took what could have become an illness and ruined my life, and they tested it for their own purposes and showed me that it was functional. They gave me a framework for it and a way to hone the accuracy of it. But usually people like myself are not that fortunate and they can’t figure out what day it is or where they are or do anything practical. They’re not in their bodies so they can’t connect. Having an ego is a wonderful, wonderful thing. An ego is anything you can describe by “I” – I am, I love, I care, I value, I accomplish. And that’s what we’re here to learn. Intuition can just help us do it better.
CLJ: What a gift for you. It shaped your entire life, didn’t it?
LD: It saved my life. Two siblings and my mother committed suicide. I was so fortunate, and this is one reason why I will not train very young people in intuition, because the very young should not be able to move accurately into their future or see something on TV and astral project and be there. The very young should be in the here and now, learning the rules and creating the inner structure that makes us human, which is a wonderful, difficult thing to be.
People often train in intuition to get more power because it does make you very powerful—you make good investment decisions, you make good emotional decisions, you make good decisions. But what you end up learning is compassion because when you open up your intuition you don’t just see what someone else is doing, you feel what it’s like to be somebody else. My mother used to call it walking a mile in someone else’s moccasins. It really does change you if you’re embodied enough to be able to make those changes. My life work is how do I learn how to be a good human and then add being a psychic in a conscious way to that experience? And that I have learned from my students.
CLJ: That brings me to a question about using intuition in relationships. As you do workshops do you help people create circles?
LD: I have people create their own circles because I’m just one person, I can only teach so many workshops. A circle is about how you work on being human and work on creating a life for yourself with all those things human beings need—love and wealth and connection and purpose. Engaging not just intuition but intellect and the subconscious. The book The Circle has a workbook in the back so you can do the book as a group and then exchange reading and healing, which I really love. But part of being intuitive is knowing where you’re not intuitive.
Let me tell you how I met my amazing husband. I finally realized that I was picking partners who resembled the adults in my childhood, as we often do, and those people did not make good partners. So I decided that I was only going to date men that my two best girlfriends, who had long marriages, picked for me, had known for at least ten years, and had been good to their ex-wives and were good fathers to their children. If I went to a party and a man asked for my number I’d ask for his card and then throw it away. And if I liked someone I would leave the party because I didn’t trust myself. I only dated men that were picked for me. And my husband was one of them.
Whenever you put too much stress or burden on something it’s hard to be intuitive about it. When you’re looking for yourself, you know your wishes, you know your dreams, you have your subconscious patterns, so there are all these places where you can stumble. The Circle puts your intuition on automatic pilot. You set a goal and experience your intuition without having to know all the data, and it begins to change you without your getting caught up on is this right, is this wrong, do I believe this, don’t I believe this? It becomes an organic process.
CLJ: Tell me more about that.
LD: The Circle is a system that engages intuition and intellect and it reforms your subconscious to achieve one single goal. You choose what you want to create right now, and as you go through the nine elements, you learn the intuitive gifts that the elements need in order for you to create the goal. You work through the subconscious patterns that keep you from getting to the goal. So instead of working on your whole life, you’re working on what issues are getting in the way of this particular goal. And your intuition is targeted toward steering your machinery in a way that you encounter your goal without having to have a road map that you see and then follow.
My books are a lot of work because they’re all “doing” books. You can sit on your couch and dream all you want, and you can do a lot without actually physically doing. How to Rule the World from Your Couch is called that because you can influence a situation using telepathy from a distance. You can use mediumship and have a really deep connection with someone, even someone you don’t know. You can use remote viewing and astral projection. You can use all of these skills to be in the world from your couch. However, it is also important to get up off your couch. A lot of us spend a lot of time planning and not a lot of time actually living and it’s all about the living.
The joke about me is you leave me on February 10 on a corner of the couch, and you come back March 10 and I haven’t moved. I can do quite a bit without ever moving, but I miss a lot of life that way. It is so much quicker and more pleasurable to also physically engage in life and not just psychically engage, although it’s a little more risky and a little more tiresome.
CLJ: A lot of our readers are newly awake and may be coming from backgrounds where this sort of thing is woo-woo. What would you say to those people to empower them to recognize that they also have this inside of them?
LD: There’s a lot of scientific research on everything from telepathy to mediumship to precognition. I work with Fortune 500 companies, major corporations. But my inner tagline for Welcome to Your Crisis was “rock bottom is a good place to start.” You spend your life holding on to what you have and when it’s taken from you, as devastating as that is, whether it’s a person or belief in yourself, it leaves a space for you to create.
In order to create something that’s different from what you’ve created before, you need to look for new methods to be able to find a new path that you haven’t been exposed to. Experience only tells us what we know. But intuition allows you to have a question or a goal and bring in information that you didn’t know, possibilities you didn’t see. If you walked by a wall of doors and you’d never seen a door, you’d keep walking, you wouldn’t know you could open that door and go somewhere else. That is what intuition allows you to do.
We live in a time of experts. But we are also each other’s experts. Whether your community is an apartment building, or the people you travel on the bus with to work, you have a community and if you get to know them the resources you need are there. Your intuitives are there. The person sitting next to you has your answers and your healing. These are very easy innate abilities that we can engage right now to dramatically change our lives.